Thursday, 11 September 2008

Hot Debate - The Nutmeg

A beautiful tradition going back years, or an ugly blight on a glorious sport?

As you are all aware the Nutmeg has been all over the sporting press over the last month following Alan Sugar's financially backed proposition to create a new rule whereby kicking the ball between an opponents legs constitutes a goal. He drove fear deep into the hearts of fans of the footer when he was quoted saying "This will be a reality, I don't care how much it costs".

While he was panned by the press, I for one think it might add a new angle to the game. Taller players such as Tores and Finnegan would lose their unfair advantages and the players who are good at kicking would have something extra to aim at.

Some critics have called for an all out ban on the nutmeging in favour of the far safer South American style "Jail-Birding". Personally I think this is ludicrous.

One things for sure. It'll be interesting to see whose wearing shin-pads and who isn't at Saturday's game.


Anonymous said...

This is a tough one! On the one hand there is the obvious "plus side" of there being plenty more goals (and as we all know, goals is where it is!) but on the other hand there is the ugly head-rearing of the old seven-backed beast, MONEY, rearing its seven ugly backs again. We all know that players regularly change hands for up to and beyond a THOUSAND pounds a week, and now what? a popular TV tycoon can just come in and PAY for a new rule? Even though he did invent the marvellous "emailphone", the contents of this comment i'm currently writing it on, i can't fucking believe it.


Anonymous said...

very very poor

Anonymous said...

Alan Sugar was the best player Newcastle ever had. I liked the way he ran around with his hand in the air after every goal.

England needs more like him. Not just on the playing field, but on the killing fields of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Sugar and Owen were the best forward combination the UK has ever seen!