Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Britain's new mascot Fabio Capello seems to be bringing a spell of good fortune to a bemused national side. I can't say I blame the public for taking to him. The apple-pressing madman does have a certain charm.

I particularly like the new tradition of interviewing him after the game with the other players. He normally does one of his funny little riddles.

Mascots are a long forgotten part of the game and I'm glad to see their return. Enough time has now passed since the atrocities committed in the eighties by Newcastle's disgusting and frankly racist dance troop, the "White Newts".

Wikipedia reveals an interesting fact that Mascots used to be REAL animals. Watford's little known mascot was a real hornet for several years in the late 1950s. It was eventually deemed too small to show up on television and replaced by a giant cuddly black and white hornet. Live mascots returned briefly to Watford's grounds in the 70s following a miscommunication between the fans and the management that resulted in a swarm of wasps being released before a match. Several players and many of the fans were severely pecked and a ban on live Mascots was introduced.

So readers, who are your favourite mascots and do you have any suggestions for new ones?


Anonymous said...

I like The Footballs, it really gets under the skin of sport and tackles the big issues of 'the beautiful game' in a no-nonsense and uncompromising manner much like Danny 'The Brick Shithouse' Shittu tackles these girly 'fancy-dan' strikers. Clearly football is the real winner here.

Anyway, I would like to know where The Footballs stands on the ongoing debate that is dividing the game about whether the WAG's are ruining football? Gary Lineker thinks "Splendid, I'm all for them", whilst, Football Analyst and part-time car boot salesman David Pleat called them "the biggest threat to democracy since the Lisbon treaty". When asked for his opinion, the nasally challenged and typically fence-sitting Steve Ogrizovic replied "no comment" and was minutes later seen storming into a road-side cafe along the A345 where he promptly wolfed down 3 sausage and egg sarnies before he was sick all over himself. Wonderful debates I'm sure all would agree but where does The Footballs stand on it?

Anonymous said...

I think Chip and Fergul Hunter are two big fucking cunts. And so is the author.

Awooga, f365, etc etc

Anonymous said...

validate me !!

Anonymous said...

Manchester United - "The Nits" - had a 5-foot head louse scuttling up and down the touch line throughout the late seventies.

And the creation of "Portsmurf" at the height of the 1960s merchandising boom was a moment of branding genius. Pompey was literally swamped with a lava of PVC figurines.